The glamorous world created by Boris, the iconic East End photographer whose life and work were featured in a recent issue of our magazine The Cable, is now the subject of a wonderful website,
Boris Bennett (1900-85), born Boris Sochaczewska in Poland but known professionally as just Boris, was famed for bringing Hollywood glamour to an impoverished area of east London. His Whitechapel Road studio was the fashionable location for wedding couples and families in the 1930s and 1940s.
The website displays pictures from the recent Hoxton Mini Press photo-book, Vintage Glamour in London's East End, which has essays about Boris and his world and reproduces restored photographs alongside short biographies of people featured. The website also has other photographs that could not be included in the book.
Michael Greisman, who curated the Boris archive for the book and is a key mover behind the website, hopes it will encourage other holders of Boris photos to come forward so that their images can be posted on the site.
"The objective of this website is to create an 'ever growing' archive of Boris's work," he said. "It will be accessible to family, friends and researchers so that future generations can see these images and biographical details."